Icon set configuration

Icon sets/themes come in specific .zip format, with certain naming. An icon theme named Foo will be archived in a .zip file named images_Foo.zip. The reader is referred to the included images_office2013.zip example icon theme for a starting template. THis is the suggested way to create an icon theme at this point mainly because there is not any interface or tool to ease this procedure.

Regarding icon sets in LibreOffice there are two ways to deploy changes in a new installation, depending on the LO version.

LibreOffice 5 and earlier

Icon sets can be installed by copying the .zip file in the local installation directory under /share/config/. That is the reason why in the installer.sh script we are using the following command to install the desired icon theme:


Following the previous approach, we may install an icon theme, but a corresponding uninstallation script must be used to remove any changes. This script should include an remove command like the following one:

rm $LIBRE_LIB_CONFIG_PATH/images_Foo.zip

LibreOffice 6

The MUFFIN concept added a variety of flexibility options for LO developers, including the ability to bundle icon themes in extension format. The procedure includes creating a typical extension and adding the .zip archive, thoroughly described at the TDF wiki.

Using this approach, there is no need to implement uninstall scripts because the built-in Extension Manager handles such operations. Additionally, more than one icon themes can be included in a single extension and using .oxt format makes the customizations ready to be shared through the official Extensions website.

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