There is still a lot work that may be done on Diavgeia Redefined, in order to promote even more the transparency of Diavgeia! Please, feel free to pick an open issue from the future work list below and make a pull request to our repository.

Future Work List

  1. Bitcoin-Website Validator: Create a tool which ensures that all proof of burn blockchain transactions of Diavgeia are consistent with the merkle trees uploaded on Diavgeia's website.
  2. Bitcoin-SPARQL Validator: Find an efficient way to prove that all decisions that have been commited to blockchain are also available from the SPARQL endpoint.
  3. Improve Visualizer: Visualizer does not visualize rdf properties for each different decision type.
  4. Study scalability of SPARQL endpoint: As it was stated, Diavgeia hosts millions of decisions. A benchmark of the scalability of the Apache Jena and Fuseki is crucial.